What constitute YOP application

3 min readSep 19, 2021

DeFi aims to provide the complete decentralization of the financial transactions of user and produces complete control over their digital assets. It falls at the third place as at now in the Crypto space. Out of Defi comes features like, Lending, Borrowing, Margin, etc. It is still small when it is compared with the growing global market. Although it seems small, it has an outrageous swift growth rate.

In early 2019, there was $275M of crypto surety locked in the DeFi economy. By February 2020, that number had grown to $1B, and it has continued to grow seriously throughout the year, hitting $2.5B in early July, $3B by mid-July, and $4B on 25 July. This rapid growth depicts that there is a fascinating interest in DeFi from within the crypto community.

Defi’s transaction speed is ultra-fast and it takes 15seconds to execute the loan process and also performed at a low cost. The financial contacts are immutable. With Defi, users have full control over digital assets and data through the use of private keys. Transparency is guaranteed through price and business efficiency. There are other advantages about Defi which makes it even more interesting.

Despite all these facts, There are millions of people who are scared and unfamiliar with the crypto space’s, technicalities involved, hence sitting on the fence even though they have a huge interest to be a part of this.

This is where YOP, the DeFi initiative that regards itself as the Robinhood of this niche, saves crypto users, especially starters, the stress of interacting with yield protocols. YOP is an all-in-one yOptimization Platform and Protocol focusing on making it very easy for everyone to access yield markets. The team work tirelessly to give users full custody, deep understanding, and flexibility using only one application. They plan to achieve this daunting task by putting together all the features that yield farmers need, right from accessing a market, earning from it, harvesting your reward, and exchanging it for other cryptocurrencies of your choice.

Farmer’s Market
One of the features of YOP in the Farmers Market (Yield Farming). This allows users to access diverse farm protocols through the YOP application. This farming makes available to users the best farms in the space. Everyone can interact with different farm protocols in this single application. One exciting feature within this application is that they have integrated their own Automated Market Maker (AMM), Automated Yield Farmer (AFM), Automated Liquidity Provider (ALP). The team will plug in their own AMM, AFM, and ALP to access data from credible sources to give users market insights about their farming protocols.

Swap Dex
The Swap DEX is a cool tool that allows users to swap tokens directly through the app. Although decentralized exchanges exist, YOP is making it more unique and easier. Users can swap their rewards to different cryptocurrencies in the application. The team categorizes this feature into two. YOP Dex v1 and YOP Dex v2. Dex v1 will aggregate volume and liquidity from different platforms for users. The aggregation and liquidity will not just come from any platform but carefully selected leading platforms. This brings swaps into the app, saves fees, and aids users in selecting the best prices. Dex v2 brings more volume with a stand-alone product developed just for the app. Bolstered by yProtocol to further enhance trade execution and liquidity access.

Although, there are tons of advantages about Defi that will help users very much and they have a lot to benefit from, yet they see it as very complicated and drives away their interest. That is why the YOP team has carefully put together these amazing features to make it available and easy for everyone

YOP — DeFi for everyone

Useful Links:
Website: https://yopfi.medium.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/yopfi
Telegram: https://t.me/yopfi

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